If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.
— Lewis Carroll

our targeted customized approach



At our first meetings, we’ll review coursework, assess academic strengths, discover interests and talents, and begin to develop goals for the future. Guidance includes:

  • review of student transcript

  • suggestions for extracurricular activities

  • personality and learning style assessments

  • development of a personal resume


Once the groundwork has been laid, I will teach your student to create an initial list of schools that will match your student and their unique needs, wants, interests, and talents. Guidance includes:

  • coaching on conducting further college research

  • planning for college visits and tours

  • understanding undergraduate coursework for desired major

  • support for standardized tests, including timing, recommendations and preparation

 Application & Decision

In this stage, students begin the application process and develop essays to showcase their unique strengths. Guidance includes:

  • interview preparation and practice

  • extensive essay support

  • development of comprehensive customized timelines with tasks and deadlines

  • identifying financial and merit aid opportunities

  • determine Early Action/Early Decision strategies

Students and families receive access to a personalized College Made Clear portal account for 24/7 access to unique and proprietary organizational, communication, information, and planning tools.